Danish Holidays

March 25th, 2018 (Sunday)
Summertime begins

March 25th, 2018 (Sunday)

March 29th, 2018 (Thursday)

March 30th, 2018 (Friday)
Langfredag (Good Friday)

April 1st, 2018 (Sunday)
Påskedag (Easter Sunday)

April 2nd, 2018 (Monday)
Anden Påskedag (Easter Monday)

April 27th, 2018 (Friday)
Store Bededag

Fourth Friday after Easter, religious prayers day. National holiday.

May 10th, 2018 (Thursday)
Kristi Himmelfartsdag

Ascension of Jesus Christ, National & religious holiday.

May 20th & 21st, 2018
(Sunday-Monday) Pinse

Celebrating resurrection of Christ, National & Religious holiday.

June 24th, 2018 (Sunday)
Sankt Hans dag

Midsummer Eve, no holiday but bonfire are lit and songs are sung in the evening.

October 28th, 2018 (Sunday)
Summertime Ends

December 25th & 26th, 2018 (Tuesday-Wednesday)
Jul (Christmas)

National & Religious holiday, birth of Jesus Christ, Xmas trees are lit and gifts are passed.

December 31st, 2018 (Monday)
Nytårsaften (NewYear's Eve)

Celebrating last day of the Year.

January 1st, 2019 (Tuesday)

National holiday beginning New Year.

March 3rd, 2019 (Sunday)

Children are free from school. Old tradition celebrating beginning of the FAST