International Day of Yoga
International Yoga Divas 2019 on 16th June 2019 [Sunday] at 11:00 hrs
I anledning af den femte årlige Internationale Yoga Dag, inviterer Den Indiske Ambassade til et gratis yoga-arrangement i Fælledparken d. 16. juni klokken 11.00. Alle er velkomne, uanset niveau, tilmelding er ikke nødvendig. Medbring gerne egen yogamåtte.
Arrangementet foregår i samarbejde med Brahma Kumaris, Amrita Yoga, The Art of Living, Astanga Yoga Copenhagen og Dansk Yoga Sportsforbund.
Vi ses i Fælledparken!
On the occassion of the 4th UN International Day of Yoga, the Indian Embassy in Copenhagen invites everyone for a free yoga event in Fælledparken on Sunday the 16th of June, at 11.00hrs. Everyone is welcome, registration is not required. Do bring your own yoga mat, if you have it.
The event is arranged in partnership with: Brahma Kumaris, Amrita Yoga, Natha Yogacenter, The Art of Living, Astanga Yoga Copenhagen and Dansk Yoga Sportsforbund.
See you in Fælledparken!

Celebration of International Day of Yoga on 17th June 2018 [Sunday] at 10:00-12:30
We are pleased to inform you that the programme to celebrate 4th International Day of Yoga has now been finalized and the same will be celebrated on Sunday, the 17th June 2018 from 1000-1230 hrs at the iconic and picturesque King’s Garden [Oster Voldgade 4A, 1350 Copenhagen] in Copenhagen.
You are requested to disseminate the information amongst the members of your association. It is desirable that the event is attended by a large number of Indians and Danes. It will also be appreciated if number of persons expected to attend the function from your Association could be communicated to us in order to get an idea of the overall attendance at the function as also to make necessary arrangements accordingly. All participants may be advised to be at the Kings Garden latest by 1000 hrs.
Embassy would be providing free Yoga T-shirts and Yoga mats on first-come basis.
Please also indicate whether the Association will be willing to help in any particular manner to make the programme, an international event, a great success. If yes, names of such volunteers [3 to 4 from each Association] may please be communicated by 8th June 2018 in order to allocate/delegate responsibilities to a particular Association.
Your responses and queries, if any, may please be addressed to:
a. Mr. John H. Ruolngul, Counsellor
T: 3910 8627
b. Mr. Ashok Polur, Marketing Officer
T: 3910 8612
For more information click here
International Day of Yoga, 2017
3rd International Day of Yoga
18th June 2017 (Sunday)
Venue:Kings Garden,
Copenhagen Øster Voldgade 4A,
1350 København
Time: 11.00-12.00 hrs
Click here to view more