Copenhagen World Music Festival
Copenhagen World Music Festival 2018
Saturday 8th September Time: 15.00
Concerts with Indian group Roja Kannan, in Koncertkirken, Blaagaards Plads,
And repeat
Saturday 8th September Time: 20.00
Concerts with Indian group Roja Kannan, in Krudttønden, in Østerbro.
20.00: Indien og Spanien mødes
Krudttønden, Serridslevvej 2, 2100 København Ø, Entré 80,
Kulturmødet mellem Indien og Spanien indledes på smukkeste vis af den prisvindende Bharatanatyam danser ROJA KANNAN fra Chennai, Indien, der i årtier har turneret med klassisk indisk dans i verdensklasse. Dernæst bringer TRIO AZULEJOS liv til

Danish Version
Copenhagen World Music Festival
som begynder i København på onsdag den 6. september 2017
I år vil der bl.a. være fokus på roma-kulturen i musikken, som jo oprindeligt stammer fra Indien, og desuden vil festivalen i samarbejde med Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke præsentere en 3-dages event, 'Velkommen til Indien', hvor man kan få mulighed for at lære meget mere om indisk musik, mad, kunst og brugskunst.
Læs mere om eventen her og i pressemeddelelsen nedenfor:
Baul Fakiri gruppen (anført af Debalina Bhowmick) optræder med traditionelle, spirituelle sange og tilbyder workshops om eftermiddagen, blandt andet sammen med den herboende percussionist Juan Pino.
Udstilling af
Patachitra: fortællende billedruller
Kantha: broderi
Dokra: metalarbejder
Madurkathi: håndvævede måtter
Lær hvordan de indiske kunsthåndværkere fremstiller deres varer i eftermiddagens workshops og opdag mere om “Art for Life” projektet under, som har givet nyt liv til traditionelle kunstformer og til håndværkernes landsbyer.
Genre: Musik, workshop og kunsthåndværk
Torsdag 7. sept. 2017 kl. 14:00
Mellemrummet, Ravnsborggade 5, 2200 København N
Entré 80
English Version
Copenhagen World Music Festival
which begins in Copenhagen on Wednesday, September 6, 2017
This year there will be focus on the roma culture of the music, originally from India, and in addition, the festival, in collaboration with Mellemfolkelig Samvirke, will present a 3-day event, 'Welcome to India', where you will be able to learn more about Indian music, food, arts and crafts.
Read more about the event here and in the press release below:
The Baul Fakiri group (presented by Debalina Bhowmick) performs traditional, spiritual songs and offers workshops in the afternoon, including the resident Percussionist Juan Pino.
Exhibition of
Patachitra: narrative image rolls
Kantha: embroidery
Dokra: metal worker
Madurkathi: hand woven mats
Learn how the Indian craftsmen produce their produce in the afternoon's workshops and discover more about the "Art for Life" project at, which has revived traditional art forms and craftsmen's villages.
Genre: Music, workshop and crafts
Thursday 7th September 2017 at. 14:00
The space, Ravnsborggade 5, 2200 Copenhagen N
Entrance 80

KALANIDHI – Treasury of Fine Arts – Thursday 8, Sept. 2016 8:00 pm.
Rose Svastha, classical vocalist, meets sitar player Maruti Patil – in the treasury where musical alchemy is created. Where classical and traditional music from the east and west, north and south unites.
Classic styles and instruments meet, mix, and mutate into an acoustic universe with elements of song, strings, tabla and percussion, a musical way of working developed by the musicians. Classic works, ethnic music and new compositions, are the starting point for improvisation, tied together with meditative depths and long solo ragas.
Genre: Indian music, World Fusion
- KoncertKirken, Blågårds Plads 6A, 2200 Copenhagen N
- Admission 80
Copenhagen World Music Festival: KALA RAMNATH & ABHIJIT BANERJEE (INDIA)
05 sep 2015 kl. 20:00 - 22:00
Koncertkirken, Blågårds Plads 6A, 2200 København N
Kala Ramnath with her 'Singing Violin' stands among the best instrumentalists of the world in her field. She received a Grammy nomination for the album 'Miles from India' and she has performed at all the major music festivals in India, as well as the most prestigious stages throughout the world, including the Sydney Opera House, London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall and New York’s Carnegie Hall to name a few.
Together with one of the most sought after tabla players, Abhijit Banerjee, Kala presents a stunning program of Indian classical music.